Voyageurs National Park

Hello from Minnesota,

We are in Voyageurs National Park located in the northeastern tip of Minnesota.  We are spending two nights here, leaving tomorrow.  The park is full of lakes, true to Minnesota's claim to the land of 10,000 lakes.  The campground we are in is nice, but no hookups.  The temperature high was 61 today, maybe the second day we have reached 60 since we left Maine.  We loved having bright sunshine all day and little wind.  Last night was the first frost this year, temperature got down to 28 last night.  Usually the first frost arrives about two weeks earlier.

We met a German couple camping across from us who are taking two months to tour the Canada and the US.  They shipped their truck/camper from Hamburg to Halifax.  The cost for them to do so was 1/2 what it would be to rent an RV here for two months.  They have a six month old baby and are traveling during their parental leave.  Their goal is to see all of the US national parks (my kind of people!).   This is their second or third trip to the US to see the parks.

Tomorrow we head to Crystal City, Manitoba.

We took a beautiful hike today.  The terrain was very interesting as you can see from the pictures above.  We had beautiful water views,  forests of pine trees and roots that climbed right over the rocks (roots were everywhere on the trail).

A photo of a Pileated (Woody) Woodpecker.  They are the largest of the woodpeckers and their pecking sound is so loud they are easy to recognize.

We are all ready to go ice fishing this year!


  1. Great woodpecker photo...and ice fishing? Maybe think that one through!

  2. Ralph, are you swimming every day in all of those beautiful lakes?
    What part did you need to get for the truck?


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